More than a financial plan! the most important is cash manangement

For who?

Sprouting tech companies with a sustained R&D activity


Identifying the need for a better anticipation of cash flows, especially those linked to R&D project financing.


By providing a planning tool easy to use that companies can adapt and evolve on their own

Once launched, the startup needs to appreciate the evolution of its cashflow appropriately!

R&D projects aids: grants/repayable advances, as well as payroll tax reductions (Belspo);

Employment aids: ONSS reductions s/5 first jobs, Sesam plan.

Once launched, the startup needs to be able to run simulations! What are the impacts in cas of:

New commitments,

New investments,

New R&D projects, ...

An Excel financial plan prepared with EKLO and R&D oriented

Integrating different aids brings the question: which aid should I use?

Identifying and tracking R&D projects expenses (and activation opportunities) according to budget: you have to spend money to make money!

Allowing project owners to take control of their financial plan (inputs of their turnover and actual costs), and to have it saved on a USB key in an easy format to be able to "play with it".

Pragmatic view: monthly encoding, but quarterly outlook with the identification of the lowest cash need.

Allowing project owners to integrate outputs (tables and graphs) in various presentations (for future investors or boards of directors).

More than a financial plan! the most important is cash manangement